Hi, swappers!
We are so excited to share with you the latest technical and community progress this week. ZKSwap devs working on multiple ends have been jointly debugging the V3 App versions, including the iOS App, the Android App, and the Web App. We also deployed the backend codes on the V3 testnet successfully. If all goes well, we’ll enter the test phase officially next week.
In the meanwhile, we would like to thank all users for your active participation in the Learn to Earn campaign, which will come to an end on October 29, 2021. A total of 374 ZKS has been credited to the winners’ address, yet 26 ZKS remain unclaimed. Contact ZKSwap admin via Telegram if you haven’t received your rewards.

Official Website: https://zks.org/en
APP: https://zkswap.app
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZKSwapOfficial
Telegram: https://t.me/ZKSwapOfficial
Discord: https://discord.gg/zaUvrJQ5Ps
Forum: https://forum.zks.org
Medium: https://zkswapofficial.medium.com/
GitHub: https://github.com/l2labs